Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30 - National Mud Pack Day


Happy National Mud Pack Day! On September 30, today gives permission to get muddy.     

Mud packs are mixtures of therapeutic clays. When applied to the skin, they increase circulation, ease muscle tension, release toxins and boost immunity. They also work well on oily and some combination skin types.

While commonly used as a facial, mud packs treat then entire skin’s surface. 

Since mud packs come in a variety of mixtures, they can be customized for each person. When paired with a massage, the relaxation benefits multiply.  

There’s also a difference between mud masks and clay masks, so look into the benefits of each. 

Other benefits of mud packs include relieving pain and swelling related to arthritis, digestion, stress and a quick treatment for bee and wasp stings.



Call a group of friends and have a mud pack party!  Mud packs are available in the health and beauty sections of your local department stores or at drugstores in your area.   

You can also make an appointment and go to a spa for some extra special TLC. 

Look into the benefits for your skin type.  

To find out more visit 

Use #MudPackDay to post on social media. 


National Day Calendar® continues researching this health and beauty celebration. 





September 30 - National Chewing Gum Day

Happy National Chewing Gum Day! Today exercises our jaws on September 30. Pop a bubble or freshen your breath with your favorite piece of chewing gum. 

Humans have used chewing gum for over five thousand years. They may have chewed it for enjoyment, to stave off hunger, or to freshen their breath much like we do today.  

The sources used to make gum resulted in minty and sweet chewable globs of wax or sap resin that fulfilled the human urge to gnaw.  

They were unlikely to produce glossy, pink bubbles worthy of jealous pokes from siblings. However, waking up with it stuck in your hair was still a possibility.   

Various forms of chewing gum have existed since the Neolithic period. In 2007, a British archaeology student discovered a five-thousand-year-old piece of chewing gum made from bark tar with tooth imprints in it.  

Presumed to be the oldest piece of chewing gum, the discovery took place in KierikkiYli-li, Finland.  

Made from bark tar, scientists believed the gum to have antiseptic properties and other medicinal advantages.


  • • Many other cultures chewed gum made from the resin of the mastic tree, from plants, grasses, and other resins. 

  • • In 1848, American businessman John B. Curtis developed and sold the first commercial chewing gum, which was called “The State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum.” 

  • • Around 1850, a gum made from paraffin wax was developed and surpassed the spruce gum in popularity. 

  • • December 28, 1869, American dentist William F. Semple filed an early patent on chewing gum, patent number 98,304. 

  • • Studies show chewing gum helps improve memory, reduce stress, and increase alertness. 

  • • Chewing sugar-free gum improves overall oral hygiene while also helping to curb cravings and improving digestion. 


Celebrate the day by buying a pack of your favorite flavor of chewing gum. 

Share a piece with your friends. You could also have a bubble blowing contests. Just be sure not to get it in your hair when it pops! 

  • • Share bubble gum memories. Whether it’s from times gone by or more recent experiences, retell the tale for all to hear. 

  • • Discover the world records of bubble gum.  

  • • Take a video of your best bubble. 

  • • Enjoy some bubble gum ice cream. 

  • • Research the best tips for getting ice cream out of your hair, furniture or carpet. 

  • • Look under your desk to see if any grusome pieces from your predicesors remain.  

  • • Pick up bubble gum flavored something. For example, chapstick, candy, or frosting. What other things come in bubble gum flavor or scent? 

Use #ChewingGumDay to post on social media. 


National Day Calendar® continues researching the origin of this fascinating celebration. 

What is your favorite flavor of chewing gum?


